Leave a Legacy
It’s never too early to write your Will, to ensure that you provide for the needs of your family and friends first and foremost.
As an additional blessing, a Legacy (a gift left in your Will) allows you to continue supporting work that has been important to you during your life. Leaving a legacy for missions enables you to do this.
We offer a free, professional Will writing or Will updating service. Alternatively, you may wish to add your own Codicils.
Please take some time to look at the options below. If you would like a printed booklet or to talk in confidence with our Partnership Manager, please call Mark Cook on: 01302 710 750 ext. 690 or email [email protected].uk.
Types of Legacies
There are a number of ways you can leave a Legacy Gift to Pioneers UK & Ireland.
Residuary Legacy
A gift is made of what is left of your estate after all other gifts and costs are accounted for. To do this, you may leave either the total of the residue or a percentage of it. The value of such a gift increases over time with inflation.
Pecuniary Legacy
A gift of a fixed amount. A simple way of giving, but inflation and the change in your estate’s value can mean that, after some years, this figure might not reflect the value you intended at the time you wrote your Will.
Conditional Legacy
If none of your named dependents survive you, your estate will be left to other named beneficiaries.
Reversionary Legacy
You may choose to leave a gift to a loved one for them to use only during his or her lifetime. After this time, the gift reverts to other named beneficiaries or charities.
Specific or Non-money Legacy
You can leave specific possessions, such as jewellery, property or stocks and shares to a named recipient. We are grateful for such gifts, but these types can sometimes present problems of administration.
What Your Legacy Gift Could Achieve
It’s your Will. You may wish to give into a particular area of our work. We would be more than happy to partner with you to ensure your legacy achieves your intended purpose.
Here are some examples of how you can make a difference by leaving a legacy to missions:
A Legacy Gift of £5,000 could enable us to run a busy stand at a major event such as Keswick Convention. Over such a three-week event, we meet many people enquiring about opportunities for mission. Many are then mentored all the way to the field after many months of support from us.
A Legacy Gift of £25,000 could assist us to mobilise and care for 10 long-term missionaries, to reach out to unreached people groups the world over with the love of God in a sustained way.
A Legacy Gift of £50,000 could enable us to see whole areas of unreached peoples hear the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, through the establishment of new missionary teams.
Updating an Existing Will
If you already have a Will, you can amend it by adding a codicil. This provides the necessary information to ensure that your wishes are enacted in full.
We strongly recommend that you seek professional advice once you have completed the Pecuniary Form to ensure there is no conflict with your existing Will.
You can download a Pecuniary Codicil Form by clicking below.
To speak with someone about your legacy options, get in touch with our Partnership Manager Mark Cook on: 07913 680 872 or email [email protected].uk.
If you wish to make substantial changes, crossing sections out or writing new instructions can create problems, so please ensure that you seek professional advice.
Other Things to Consider
If you don’t yet have a Will, it’s a good idea to write one at the next opportunity. It simply makes things clear to ensure that your estate is divided according to your wishes.
Pioneers have partnered with FreeWills, one of the UK's biggest Will providers, to offer you a free Will writing service. Benefits include:
- Your Will can be completed online or dictated over the phone
- Easily updated online
- Simply printed off and signed and also kept safe online
- Post them a copy of your existing Will and they will transcribe and update for free
- Entirely free unless you ask for their professional executors or other services
- Checked by Solicitors
- FreeWills is a leading member of the Society of Will Writers
Please go to our Will writing page to find out more.
Further Help
gov.uk/make-will/overview– the government website with full official advice
aclf.org.uk – the Association of Christian Law Firms. Here you can find a Christian solicitor.