How will they go unless they're sent?
Thinking about becoming a sending church? The local church is the incubator of mission. When a local church catches a vision for mission, individual lives, communities, even whole countries are changed. The Great Commission is for us all: givers, pray-ers, goers...and senders! Below are a few resources to help educate and inspire your church toward mission... and we're always happy to chat about how your church can become a sending church.
MomentumYes is a free, six-session, video-based missions course that aims to help Christians rethink church, our neighbours, how we approach the Bible, God’s mission on this earth and our part in His story.

Book a Chat
Missions education begins in the local church, and Pioneers is committed to helping wherever needed. Our staff would be happy to meet with your church's leadership team, mission committee or congregation to chat about a range of missions-related topics - without a Pioneers sales pitch. We want to help you inspire your church toward mission, whether or not you're interested in sending folks with Pioneers. Contact us to find out more.
Children and Young People
When it comes to mission education and involvement, we think, 'The earlier, the better!' That's why we've created and curated these mission resources for your children. Help your children learn about God's plan for the world and His great love for all He has made with these specially designed children's mission resources.
Here in the UK, little has been produced to inspire and challenge children and young people to be involved in world mission. mission & me? is a set of six small group lessons with accompanying resource packs that help children look at mission from a biblical perspective.
Worldviews and Worldviews Jr Edition are engaging, interactive introductions to the five major religious blocs in the world today. Children will develop a biblical perspective on other faiths, learn about God’s love for all the peoples of the world and be equipped to share what they believe with sensitivity and conviction.

Mission Activity Boxes
Perfect for groups of all ages, our country-specific mission activity boxes are packed with interesting facts about your chosen country: a mystery puzzle, a mission focussed book, and lots of interesting 'artefacts' like real stamps and bank notes from the country. Boxes are currently available for China, Indonesia and Uganda. Contact us for more info.

Lockdown Lowdown
Developed during lockdown to help church leaders maintain a mission focus in their online church services, these guided digital presentations help churches grow in their awareness of mission work and missionaries' lives around the world. They come with kids' activities, videos and more. Choose from presentations about India, Morocco, Kosovo, Myanmar, Peru and Uganda. Contact us to find out more.
Helpful Books
Serving as Senders – Today by Neal Pirolo.
Well Sent: Reimagining the Church’s Missionary-Sending Process by Steve Beirn.
Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global by Andy Johnson
Gaining by Losing: Why the Future Belongs to Churches That Send by JD Greear
Scatter: Go Therefore and Take Your Job with You by Andrew Scott
Business as Mission by Michael Baer
Mind the Gaps: Engaging the Church in Missionary Care by David Wilson
Helping Without Hurting in Short Term Missions by Corbett & Fikkert

More Missions Resources
Looking for more resources to help your church grow toward greater involvement in mission? We have a host of resources on offer.