God is at work among the people of the Arab world, both in the Arab world and worldwide. At Pioneers, our commitment to supporting British and Irish Christians in their calling to give, pray, send and go remains as steadfast as it has always been. Whether your calling is to pray for Arab peoples and those who are bringing them the gospel, to financially support people and projects, to advocate in your church for greater mission involvement or to go to Arab world people and places, our team of Arab world experts are ready to help.

Would you like to encourage the Church to grow in a difficult environment and use your passions and gifts to bless communities with huge spiritual needs? With church-planting teams across North Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the UK, we seek to share the gospel of Christ with Muslims of the Arab world wherever they may be found.
God is changing lives in the Arab world. Join in!

Without the support of individuals and churches we would not be able to continue our ministry of meeting vast spiritual and physical needs among the people of the Arab world.
Givers like you are a vital part of our mission team, and we're thrilled that you're considering joining us as we strive to bring the light of Christ to those who have little or no opportunity to hear.

God is doing incredible things among Arab people today. Would you join us in lifting them up in prayer? The ongoing intercession of our workers and supporters is essential for all that we do.
Why not join our prayer network by signing up for our free resources? They will help guide you as you intercede for Arab people and those sharing the good news with them.
Arab World Stories
When I was told that the purpose of the trip was to pray for the work, I thought, ‘Yes! I can do that.’ I wanted to get deeper in prayer. When I’ve been asked to go on mission trips before, I felt that wasn’t for me, but when I saw prayer, I thought, ‘I can pray.’
We can show that we value and honour people by choosing to spend time with them – particularly through showing and receiving hospitality. Spending a day with someone, eating, drinking tea and relaxing provides so much opportunity to speak into their lives, have deeper conversations about God and faith and to sow seeds of the gospel...
On the day that Mohammad gave his life to Jesus in front of his Bible study group, they asked him, ‘What is the greatest need you have that we can pray for?’
‘I want to see my wife and children join me in the Christian faith. For them to worship God as I worship God.’