Here am I. Send me.
Here am I. Send Me.

Our God is a missionary God. From the moment He stepped into the Garden to search for a straying Adam and Eve, God has shown that seeking out the lost is at the core of His nature.
Thousands of years later, He set foot on Earth again, this time with flesh-and-bone feet on dusty ground. This time, not only did He prove His compassion toward the straying through His life, death and resurrection, He also set an example and gave a task to all who claim to know and follow Him.
The Great Commission isn’t just for the few who feel ‘called’ to go to the
ends of the earth. It’s for everyone who calls themselves by His name.
When the church at Antioch laid hands on Saul and Barnabas and sent them off on their missionary journey, the church's calling to make disciples of all nations wasn’t over. The Antioch church, and the churches Paul and others planted during that time had a strong sense of being on mission together – identifying and preparing missionaries, supporting them financially and praying with fervency and expectation.
This comprehensive call hasn’t changed in the two thousand years that separate us from that first mission sending church and their missionaries, Saul and Barnabas. We are still called to Give, Pray, Send and Go. The question we must each ask ourselves if we’re really serious about following in Jesus’ footsteps is, which part of ‘Go ye therefore and make disciples’ am I meant to fulfil?
The truth is, Pioneers doesn’t send missionaries. Pioneers helps churches send missionaries. Whether you’re a church leader who’s looking for help inspiring your church toward mission; a pray-er who wants to fervently lift to the Lord both the unreached and those who are seeking to reach them; a giver who has been blessed of the Lord and is called to provide the funding for those who are going; or a goer who is sensing God’s call to follow Him to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria or the ends of the earth, Pioneers is here to help you press into that calling.
The call is simple. Following the call is a challenge. It makes sense for us to do this together as God’s people, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Let’s get started!
The number of cross cultural gospel bearers from the Global South is on the rise… and the rise is significant.
He said very little, just presented me with a Ziploc bag. “The dog ate my passport,” he said...
She carries the burden of the spiritual wellbeing of the family; if something bad befalls them, she simply must not have worshipped enough...