
The Journey Starts Here


Link Magazine

Our quarterly magazine features testimonies, interviews, analysis from workers and insights on Muslim ministry. It aims to be both visually attractive and thought-provoking in content. If you live in the UK, Ireland or Europe tell us your full name and postal address to begin receiving this free resource.


Link Digital

Why not receive our quarterly magazine online? Sign up to receive an email when each new edition is ready! Read testimonies, ministry updates, book reviews and more in these interactive online magazines.


Arab World Training Hub - Coming Soon

Drawing on the knowledge of our sending team, field members and partners, the Arab World Training Hub is our platform for equipping you for ministry among people of the Arab World. As well as field preparation, we can tailor introductory sessions for your church, small group or Christian Union.


Other Resources

Our Resources page has a host of helpful books, websites, courses and publications to help you and your church be better informed and more inspired toward cross-cultural mission in the Arab world and beyond. Click here to find out more...

Find us on Social Media

Get up to date prayer items, event invitations and more via our social media channels. Click the icons below to follow us.


Book a Speaker

We are passionate about sharing the news of what God is doing in the Arab world, as well as inspiring and equipping churches as they seek to get involved. We would love to join your church group for a time of story sharing, teaching, and resourcing, tailored to your needs. Learn more....

Arab World Stories & Articles


When I was told that the purpose of the trip was to pray for the work, I thought, ‘Yes! I can do that.’ I wanted to get deeper in prayer. When I’ve been asked to go on mission trips before, I felt that wasn’t for me, but when I saw prayer, I thought, ‘I can pray.’



Cross-cultural mission is no longer reserved for those who are called to pack up their lives and move to a new country. We have opportunities for cross-cultural mission with neighbours and friends, right where we are! Many of our Pioneers field workers serve the Lord cross-culturally right here in the UK and Ireland. Here are some of their go-to tips for reaching out to Muslims.



Series: Answering Common Questions from Muslims

AVAILABLE SOON - Muslims often have many questions when we talk to them about Jesus. In this series, originally published in Link Magazine, a believer from a Muslim background gives some pointers on how to reply.