Your Giving Questions Answered
Our Giving FAQs are designed to answer your questions about donating to the work of Pioneers. Find out what percentage goes to missionaries, our financial accountability, how to set up a regular donation and more.

What percentage of my gift actually goes to the missionary?
Before missionaries go to the mission field, we retain 10% of every contribution towards covering administrative expenses such as receipting gifts, sending statements to missionaries and maintaining legal compliance. Once on the field, we retain an additional 2% for Pioneers international leadership, which provides care and accountability for missionaries and missionary teams.

How are Pioneers missionaries paid?
Pioneers is a faith-based mission in which the majority of its personnel depend on the Lord for the provision to cover their living allowance and expenses. Teams of churches and individuals partner together with each worker to provide their necessary prayer support, salary, and work expenses. Our missionaries are mostly employees of our organisation. Each month they receive a set salary that is determined by their individual ministry, personal and family needs and the standard of living in their part of the world. Regardless of fluctuations in the amount of donations received, they receive the same salary, provided the funds are available. All the gifts that are given to support missionaries are held in our accounting under their names, and the funds remain available for them, in case they have special ministry needs above their salary or for when ministry budgets are re-assessed.

What financial accountability does Pioneers have?
Other than being accountable to our missionaries and to the Lord, Pioneers UK is both a Registered Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee. Our annual financial statements are subject to external audit and are submitted to both The Charity Commission and Companies House. We are also regulated by the Fundraising Regulator.

How do I set up a regular donation?
You can do this in a couple of different ways. The easiest way is online here via our website. You can also set up a Standing Order using our website. Please contact our Finance Team to obtain a Supporter ID Number to be used as a reference.
Alternatively, if you have one, you can use the support slip provided by the missionary you wish to support. Fill in the regular giving section, and return it to us using the freepost envelope. Remember to complete your personal details, and the Gift Aid Declaration where relevant.

How do I give by cheque?
Make your cheque payable to Pioneers UK Ministries and enclose a note stating the name of the missionary or project you wish to support, unless you intend it to go towards general funds. Please mail to: Pioneers UK Ministries, Finance Department, PO Box 1553, Doncaster, DN1 9RQ.

Are there fees related to credit card transactions?
Card payments made through our website currently incur a charge of 20p plus 1.4%. These fees are deducted from the donation prior to being added to the missionary’s account. There is an option to increase your gift to cover the cost of these fees and ensure that Pioneers receives the total amount you wish to give.

Can I give directly to Pioneers’ general fund?
Yes. Only approximately 30 percent of Pioneers’ annual budget is covered by the contributions given to our missionaries and staff. Therefore, we depend on the Lord to provide the remainder of our operating expenses from other sources. To designate your donation for this purpose, indicate General Funds when you give your gift.

Are my gifts eligible for Gift Aid?
Donations for missionary support, global projects, and Pioneers’ general funds are all eligible for Gift Aid. Any Gift Aid received by Pioneers goes to the same cause as the original gift. If you are eligible to Gift Aid your donation, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration, either included on the Giving Slip you have received in the post or from a missionary or obtainable separately from the Finance Team.

Can I give tax efficiently by other methods?
You can give as a deduction from salary through your employer’s Give As You Earn scheme.
You can also give through charitable giving third parties such as Stewardship and Charities Aid Foundation.

Can I give a missionary a personal gift?
We do not encourage personal gifts given through Pioneers. Where at all possible give the personal gift (Christmas, birthday etc.) directly to the missionary.

How do I make a gift “in memory of” or “in honour of” someone?
Simply indicate this intent when you give your gift. At your request, a letter can be sent from Pioneers to the person or family you are recognising with your gift. To facilitate this, please provide the appropriate name, address and specifications (e.g. Do you wish to be named? May we share how much was given to the missionary or project?). Please contact Mark Cook for more information.

How can I update my contact information?
If you are a donor, please email your address, phone, or email address changes to our Finance Team.

Can I receive receipts/confirmation in respect of regular giving?
Where we hold an email address for a donor, we send monthly receipts at the beginning of each month. We do not as a matter of course send receipts in the post.
You can receive confirmation of regular gifts received from you by Pioneers over a specified period of time (e.g. for tax assessment purposes), by contacting the Finance Team.

What if my question isn’t answered here?
If you have any questions or if we can help you further in any way, please contact our Finance Team or call us on 01302 710750 (option 2).